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- Call for Papers
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control is a global forum for all those working on the prevention, diagnostic and treatment of health-care associated infections and antimicrobial resistance development in all health-care settings. The journal covers a broad spectrum of preeminent practices and best available data to the top interventional and translational research, and innovative developments in the field of infection control.
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control believes that future solutions require a better understanding of the factors contributing to the development and spread of multi-drug resistance pathogens, possibilities to prevent transmission and infection, and insight into the difference between developed countries and countries with limited resources. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control needs to combine best practices, experience and latest research results from around the globe to overcome the challenge posed by healthcare-associated infections. ARIC welcomes all manuscripts related to the field of HAI prevention and infection control. Some examples are listed below:
Prevention of health-care associated infection in hospitals.
Infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in high-risk settings (e.g. ICUs).
HAI prevention and antimicrobial-resistance in special settings e.g. long-term care facilities.
Infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in community settings.
Special problems with infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in resource-limited countries.