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Applied Materials Today
Applied Materials Today is a multi-disciplinary, rapid-publication journal focused on cutting edge applications of novel materials.
New materials discoveries have led to exciting fundamental breakthroughs. Materials research is now moving towards the translation of these scientific properties and principles to applied technologies. Applied Materials Today covers all aspects of materials application, spanning chemistry, physics, engineering, and biology: publishing high impact articles on novel electronic, optical, mechanical, and energy devices, as well as medicine, the environment and the impact on society.
Part of the Materials Today family, Applied Materials Today offers authors rigorous peer review, rapid decisions, and high visibility. The editors welcome comprehensive articles, short communications and reviews on topics including but not limited to:
Two dimensional materials,
Wearable electronics,
3D printing/Additive manufacturing,
Materials for energy,
Functional materials,
Materials synthesis,
Nanomaterials and nanotechnology,
Biomaterials and nanomedicine,
Ramifications on society,
Health and environmental impact,
Research commercialization,
Fundamental principles with a view to specific applications.