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- Call for Papers
Behavioral Disorders
Papers published in Behavioral Disorders (BD) are reports of original investigations and theoretical papers that relate to the education of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Published articles may use within-or between-subject designs. Both quantitative and qualitative studies are considered appropriate, although to date most submissions have been quantitative in nature. Research, program evaluation reports, and position papers should be assessed for their social significance. Socially significant experimental investigations may be basic or applied in nature, although BD has a tradition of publishing applied research, especially studies related to assessment of and intervention with children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders. Teacher educators, teachers, psychologists, administrators, and researchers with an interest in emotional and behavioral disorders constitute the majority of BD subscribers. Theoretical or translation of research, practice, or policy in the form of a “position” statement will be considered for the Forum section of the journal. In addition, we will accept Brief reports of research that will allow new researchers (e.g., junior faculty, graduate students) to submit studies (e.g., pilot studies) that possess particular interest to the field but may lack the methodological rigor (e.g., small sample size) to meet the standard of a regular research article.