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Biomaterials Science
Biomaterials Science is an international high impact journal exploring the science of biomaterials and their translation towards clinical use. Its scope encompasses new concepts in biomaterials design, studies into the interaction of biomaterials with the body, and the use of materials to answer fundamental biological questions. Papers do not necessarily need to report a new biomaterial, but should provide novel insight into the biological applications of the biomaterial.
Biomaterials Science publishes primary research and review-type articles in the following areas.
Molecular design of biomaterials, including translation of emerging chemistries to biomaterials
Science of cells and materials at the nanoscale and microscale
Materials as model systems for stem cell and human biology
Materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
(Nano)materials and (nano)systems for therapeutic delivery
Interactions at the biointerface
Biologically inspired and biomimetic materials, including bio-inspired self-assembly systems and cell-inspired synthetic tools
Next-generation biomaterials tools and methods.