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- Call for Papers
Brain Connectivity
Brain Connectivity is an international neuroscience journal dedicated to the publication of original reports and scientific reviews concerned with all aspects of anatomical, functional, and causal connections between distinct units within the central nervous system. Articles describing the underlying mechanisms and structure behind brain connections will be given priority. Emphasis will be placed on the following experimental techniques: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), microscopy, and other new and evolving methods as applied to brain connectivity analysis. Submission of multimodal examinations and integrations is encouraged. The journal will consider studies in both human and animal models. Brain Connectivity is an investigational journal, and research reports are strongly recommended to contain experimental data. Three article categories will be included: original manuscripts, communications, and review articles. Several sub-categories under original articles and communications will be considered, including reports of original experimental data, methodological studies, novel data analysis schemes, theoretical data modeling, and descriptions of changes in brain connectivity in health and disease. Reports of original investigations in the areas of neuroscience, neurology, physics, biophysics, computer science, neuroinformatics, mathematics, chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, developmental biology, genetics, molecular biology, psychiatry, pharmacology, anesthesiology, cell biology, and brain anatomy relevant to the field of brain connectivity will be accepted.