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Current Opinion in Systems Biology
Current Opinion in Systems Biology is a new systematic review journal that aims to provide specialists with a unique and educational platform to keep up-to-date with the expanding volume of information published in the field of Systems Biology. It publishes polished, concise and timely systematic reviews and opinion articles. In addition to describing recent trends, the authors are encouraged to give their subjective opinion on the topics discussed. As this is such a broad discipline, we have determined themed sections each of which is reviewed once a year.
The following areas will be covered by Current Opinion in Systems Biology:
-Genomics and Epigenomics
-Gene Regulation
-Metabolic Networks
-Cancer and Systemic Diseases
-Mathematical Modelling
-Big Data Acquisition and Analysis
-Systems Pharmacology and Physiology
-Synthetic Biology
-Stem Cells, Development, and Differentiation
-Systems Biology of Mold Organisms
-Systems Immunology and Host-Pathogen Interaction
-Systems Ecology and Evolution