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DMM Disease Models and Mechanisms
Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM) publishes original research, resources and invited reviews that focus on the use of model systems to better understand, diagnose and treat human disease. The primary aim of DMM is to promote human health by inspiring collaboration between basic and clinical researchers in translational science. The journal is committed to presenting highly significant research that meets this goal. The interdisciplinary nature of DMM means that a diverse range of diseases, approaches and models fall within its scope.
Examples of DMM content:
-Basic research that significantly advances our understanding of human disease mechanisms, diagnosis or treatment, and is of broad relevance
-Drug screens and preclinical analyses of candidate therapies using model systems
-Presentation of new models that have been thoroughly validated to demonstrate their utility in disease studies*
-New methods and resources that provide broadly useful tools for a disease and/or model community
-Comprehensive, expert reviews and posters addressing current and emerging themes in biomedical science
-Interviews with leading scientists in translational research
-Editorials that discuss wider issues of interest to the community, including regulatory, ethical and policy issues
-Special collections that collate articles relating to a particular disease area or model system
*Descriptive work, such as the characterisation of a model system without demonstration of its usefulness to advance a field, is generally not considered for publication, unless the new model itself is considered by the Editorial team to provide an improved understanding of the disease mechanism and/or to demonstrate clear usefulness for the evaluation of treatment approaches.