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Economic Modelling
Economic Modelling – a scholarly journal which came into being in 1984 – fills a major gap in the economics literature, providing a single source of both theoretical and applied papers on economic modelling. The journal’s prime objective is to provide an international review of the state-of-the-art in economic modelling.
Economic Modelling has so far published the complete versions of many large-scale macroeconomic models (for advanced and less developed countries and both closed and open economies) which have been developed for policy analysis. Examples are the Bank of England Model and the US Federal Reserve Board Model. As individual models are revised and updated, the journal continues to publish subsequent papers dealing with these revisions, including structural macro-modeling in a VAR framework or in the latest DSGE settings.
The journal publishes policy-relevant theoretical and applied papers in macroeconomics and other fields of economics, such as development economics, energy economics, environmental economics, financial economics, health economics, industrial economics, international economics, microeconomics, public economics, and urban economics. The journal also welcomes cutting-edge empirical papers in heterodox economics.