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Economic Theory
The purpose of Economic Theory is to provide an outlet for research – in all areas of economics based on rigorous theoretical reasoning, and
– on specific topics in mathematics which is motivated by the analysis of economic problems.
Economic Theory’s scope encompasses – but is not limited to – the following fields.
– classical and modern equilibrium theory
– cooperative and non-cooperative game theory
– macroeconomics
– social choice and welfare
– uncertainty and information, intertemporal economics (including dynamical systems)
– public economics
– international and developmental economics
– financial economics, money and banking
– industrial organization
Economic Theory also publishes surveys if they clearly picture the basic ideas at work in some areas, the essential technical apparatus which is used and the central questions which remain open.
The development of a productive dialectic between stylized facts and abstract formulations requires that economic relevance be at the forefront. Thus, correct, and innovative, mathematical analysis is not enough; it must be motivated by – and contribute to – the understanding of substantive economic problems.