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Educational Technology and Society
Journal of Educational Technology & Society (ET&S) is an open-access academic journal published quarterly (January, April, July, and October) since October 1998. By 2018, ET&S has achieved its purposes at the first stage by providing an international forum for open access scientific dialogue for developers, educators and researchers to foster the development of research in educational technology. Thanks to all of the Authors, Reviewers and Readers, the journal has enjoyed tremendous success.
Starting from 2019, the ET&S journal has established a solid and stable editorial office with the support of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. The new Editors-in-Chief have been appointed aiming to promote innovative educational technology research based on empirical inquires to echo the pedagogical essentials of learning in the real world—lifelong learning, competency-orientation, and multimodal literacy in the 21st century.
ET&S publishes the research that well bridges the pedagogy and practice in advanced technology for evidence-based and meaningfully educational application. The focus of ET&S is not only technology per se, but rather issues related to the process continuum of learning, teaching, and assessment and how they are affected or enhanced using technologies rooted in a long-period base. The empirical research about how technology can be used to overcome the existing problems in the frontline of local education with findings that can be applied to the global spectrum is also welcome. However, papers with only descriptions of the results obtained from one hit-and-run and short-term study or those with the results obtained from self-report surveys without systematic or empirical data or any analysis on learning outcomes or processes are not favorable to be included in ET&S.