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Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis (FCAA, abbreviated in the World databases as Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. or FRACT CALC APPL ANAL) is a specialized international journal for theory and applications of an important branch of Mathematical Analysis (Calculus) where differentiations and integrations can be of arbitrary non-integer order.
Primary topics of FCAA:
Fractional Calculus (FC)
Special Functions and Integral Transforms, related to FC
Fractional Order Differential and Integral Equations and Systems
Mathematical Models of Phenomena, described by the above topics
Secondary topics from Applied Mathematical Analysis, iff related to FC:
Algebraic Analysis, Operational and Convolutional Calculi
Generalized Functions, Harmonic Analysis
Numerical and Approximation Methods, Computational Procedures and Algorithms, related to the Primary FCAA topics
Fractional Stochastic Processes
Fractal and Integral Geometry
Applications of these techniques to:
Differential and Integral Equations, Problems of Mathematical Physics
Control Theory, Mechanics, Probability and Statistics, Finances, Engineering, etc.
Other contributions:
If revealing connections between Fractional Calculus and the above-mentioned topics to model problems of the real physical and social world.