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- Call for Papers
Human Resource Management Journal
From 2006, HRMJ has also broadened its editorial scope to become more globally orientated and has strengthened the international character of its Editorial Board.
HRMJ seeks to publish scholarly articles on any aspect of employment studies but especially those focused on issues related to the management of people at work. Articles should make a substantive contribution to theory development on contemporary issues, incorporate rigorous use of theory and research, and offer well-founded conclusions with practical implications. Authors are encouraged to avoid the inherent biases of cross-sectional or single-source data, however, where such an approach can be justified through an appropriate research model or the potential for a novel theoretical contribution, such empirical studies will be considered provided sufficient steps have been taken to limit any potential bias. The journal is particularly interested in articles that will appeal to an international readership. Critical reviews are also welcomed, especially those pointing to how theory and practice can be developed further.