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- Call for Papers
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
The IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN) is committed to timely publishing of high-quality manuscripts that advance the state-of-the-art of cognitive communications and networking research. The focus of the Transactions will be on “cognitive” behaviors in all aspects of communications and network control, from the PHY functions (including hardware) through the applications (including architecture), and in all kinds of communication networks and systems regardless of type of traffic, transmission media, operating environment, or capabilities of communicating devices. IEEE TCCN will welcome papers dealing with the design, analysis, evaluation, experimentation and testing of cognitive communications and network systems. Inter-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. Papers that focus on experimental infrastructures or tools for cognitive communications and networking will also be considered, provided that they contain significant original contributions in the communications or networking areas.
Since the term “cognitive” may be interpreted in multiple ways, we define here a cognitive entity as one that is capable of selecting and carrying out actions depending on its own goals and its perception of the world and that may also be capable of learning from experience by interacting with the world. Thus, a cognitive entity means an intelligent entity which possesses the following basic components: perception, learning/reasoning and decision making. Papers that will be considered for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking must BOTH explicitly include approaches related to the “intelligent entity” AND provide original contributions on communications or networking.