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- Call for Papers
Intensive Care Medicine
The journal Intensive Care Medicine provides a medium for the communication and exchange of current work and ideas in this field. It is intended for all involved in intensive medical care, physicians, anaesthetists, surgeons, pediatricians, and all concerned with the pre-clinical subjects and medical sciences basic to these disciplines.
It publishes
– Review articles reflecting the present state of knowledge in special areas or summarizing limited Themes in which discussion has led to clearly defined conclusions
– Original papers reporting progress and results in all areas of intensive care medicine and its related fields
– Educational articles giving information on the progress of a topic of particular interest
– Discussion on technology, methods, new apparatus and modifications of standard techniques
– Correspondence concerning matters of topical interest or relating to published material – Book reviews
– Reports of meetings
– Announcements
The journal is open for publication of supplements and for publishing abstracts of scientific meetings. Conditions can be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief or the publisher.