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- Call for Papers
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
IJIPM focuses on the study of intellectual property (IP) across a wide range of topics, and embraces studies of IP from the fields of business, management, economics and government policy. Different perspectives that encourage innovation and knowledge creation and transfer are welcome, particularly those which reflect IJIPM’s special emphasis on how the topic has evolved considerably from an initial focus on legislation to the current debate surrounding ways of approaching IP in the digital context.
Topics covered include:
-History of IP, from international/national or context/sector perspectives-
IP culture/ideologies-
International IP harmonisation-
IP valuation methods: disparities and economic significance-
Internal and external corporate and organisational strategies-
Licensing in and out-
Cooperative R&D in IP
Innovation and technology management-
IP litigation and policy-
Entrepreneurship and venturing, spin-offs, start-ups and IP-
Finance and IP-
IP information management,-
Contextual differences in IP-
Decision making in IP commercialisation-
Global piracy and IP.