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International Soil and Water Conservation Research
The International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR), the official journal of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC), http://www.waswac.org, , is a multidisciplinary journal for soil and water conservation research, practice, policy, and perspectives. This journal aims to disseminate new knowledge and promote the practice of soil and water conservation.
The scope of International Soil and Water Conservation Research research, strategies, and technologies for the prediction, prevention, and protection of soil and water resources. It focuses on identification, characterization, and modeling; dynamic monitoring and evaluation; assessment and management of conservation practices; and the creation and implementation of quality standards.
Examples of appropriate topical areas include (but are not limited to)
• Conservation models, tools, and technologies
• Agricultural conservation
• Soil health resources, indicators, assessment, and management
• Land degradation
• Sustainable development
• Soil erosion and its control
• Soil erosion processes
• Water resource assessment and management
• Watershed management
• Soil erosion models
• Literature reviews on topics related to soil and water conservation research