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- Call for Papers
Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
The Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling provides a forum for fundamental and translational research. In particular, it publishes papers discussing intercellular and intracellular signaling pathways that are particularly important to understand how cells interact with each other and with the surrounding environment, and how cellular behavior contributes to pathological states. JCCS encourages the submission of research manuscripts, timely reviews and short commentaries discussing recent publications, key developments and controversies.
Research manuscripts can be published under two different sections :
In the Pathology and Translational Research Section (Section Editor Andrew Leask) , manuscripts report original research dealing with celllular aspects of normal and pathological signaling and communication, with a particular interest in translational research.
In the Molecular Signaling Section (Section Editor Satoshi Kubota) manuscripts report original signaling research performed at molecular levels with a particular interest in the functions of intracellular and membrane components involved in cell signaling.