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- Immunology & Microbiology
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- Call for Papers
Journal of Economic Growth
The Journal of Economic Growth, is designed to serve as the principal outlet for theoretical as well as empirical research in economic growth and dynamic macroeconomics. The editorial board consists of prominent researchers in the fields of economic growth, dynamic macroeconomics, international economics, urban economics, migration, and development, who are committed to academic excellence. Members of the editorial board are actively involved in the refereeing process of each paper and assure that the review process is of an exceptional quality. Furthermore, the journal commits itself to a timely response. The journal encourages the submission of high quality research broadly concerned with:
-Neoclassical Growth Models
-Endogenous Growth Models
-Income Distribution and Growth
-Human Capital and Growth
-Fertility and Growth
-Trade and Growth
-Development and Growth
-Financial Development and Growth
-Migration and Growth
-Endogenous Technological Change
-Money and Growth
-Political Economy and Growth
-Overlapping-Generations Models
-Economic Fluctuations.