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- Call for Papers
Journal of Oral Microbiology
As the first Open Access journal in its field, the Journal of Oral Microbiology aims to be an influential source of knowledge on the aetiological agents behind oral infectious diseases. The journal is an international forum for original research on all aspects of ‘oral health’. Articles which seek to understand ‘oral health’ through exploration of the pathogenesis, virulence, host-parasite interactions, and immunology of oral infections are of particular interest. However, the journal also welcomes work that addresses the global agenda of oral infectious diseases and articles that present new strategies for treatment and prevention or improvements to existing strategies.
Topics: ‘oral health’, microbiome, genomics, host-pathogen interactions, oral infections, aetiologic agents, pathogenesis, molecular microbiology systemic diseases, ecology/environmental microbiology, treatment, diagnostics, epidemiology, basic oral microbiology, and taxonomy/systematics.
Article types: original articles, notes, review articles, mini-reviews and commentaries