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- Call for Papers
Journal of Organizational Behavior
The Journal of Organizational Behavior aims to publish empirical reports and theoretical reviews of research in the field of organizational behavior, wherever in the world that work is conducted. The journal will focus on research and theory in all topics associated with organizational behavior within and across individual, group and organizational levels of analysis, including:
-At the individual level: personality, perception, beliefs, attitudes, values, motivation, career behavior, stress, emotions, judgment, and commitment.
-At the group level: size, composition, structure, leadership, power, group affect, and politics.
-At the organizational level: structure, change, goal-setting, creativity, and human resource management policies and practices.
-Across levels: decision-making, performance, job satisfaction, turnover and absenteeism, diversity, careers and career development, equal opportunities, work-life balance, identification, organizational culture and climate, inter-organizational processes, and multi-national and cross-national issues.
-Research methodologies in studies of organizational behavior.