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Journal of Structural Biology
Journal of Structural Biology (JSB) has an open access mirror journal, the Journal of Structural Biology: X (JSBX), sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review. Since both journals share the same editorial system, you may submit your manuscript via either journal homepage. You will be prompted during submission (and revision) to choose in which to publish your article. The editors and reviewers are not aware of the choice you made until the article has been published online. JSB and JSBX publish papers dealing with the structural analysis of living material at every level of organization by all methods that lead to an understanding of biological function in terms of molecular and supermolecular structure.
Techniques covered include:
• Light microscopy including confocal microscopy
• All types of electron microscopy
• X-ray diffraction
• Nuclear magnetic resonance
• Scanning force microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and tunneling microscopy
• Digital image processing
• Computational insights into structure