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Journal of Urology
The Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA), and the most widely read and highly cited journal in the field, The Journal of Urology® brings solid coverage of the clinically relevant content needed to stay at the forefront of the dynamic field of urology. This premier journal presents investigative studies on critical areas of research and practice, survey articles providing short condensations of the best and most important urology literature worldwide, and practice-oriented reports on significant clinical observations.The Journal of Urology® covers the wide scope of urology, including:
-pediatric urology
-urologic oncology (cancer)
-renal transplantation
-male infertility
-calculi (urinary tract stones)
-female urology (urinary incontinence and pelvic outlet relaxation disorders)
-neurourology (voiding disorders, urodynamic evaluation of patients and erectile dysfunction or impotence).
Members of the American Urological Association may access The Journal of Urology® online by logging in at AUA’s website. Nonmember personal subscribers may register and activate your subscription online at www.auajournals.com. Authors and reviewers may submit and review manuscripts online. The editorial team at The Journal of Urology® is committed to providing authors a thorough review of their work in a quick timeframe. We return initial decisions within 3-4 weeks of receiving your submission, on average. If accepted, articles are posted online in fully citable form within about one week. Authors and reviewers may submit and review manuscripts online.