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- Call for Papers
Journal of World Business
The Journal of World Business is a premier journal in the field of international business with a history dating to 1965 with the founding of the Columbia Journal of World Business. JWB publishes cutting-edge research that reflects important developments in the global business environment and advances new theoretical directions and ways of thinking about global phenomena. The journal especially encourages submissions that break new ground or demonstrate novel or counterintuitive findings in relation to established theories or assumptions and welcomes a variety of conceptual and theoretical traditions, including those drawn from allied social and behavioral sciences. Submissions should develop new and/or test existing theory, and empirical papers may employ a range of qualitative, quantitative and other methodologies so long as they are rigorous and appropriate. Although JWB’s primary readers are scholars and researchers, the journal values contributions that explore and explicate implications for global enterprises and their managers, as well as consequences for public policy and the broader role of business in society.
JWB welcomes manuscripts in the following areas: Global Political and Economic Environment; Strategic Management; Organizational Behavior; Cross-Cultural Management; Leadership; Human Resources Management; Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability; Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. While manuscripts may focus on a single country or small group of countries, all submissions should reflect some cross-border or comparative dimensions, or explore and advance other issues affecting international business, consistent with the global scope of the journal.