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Lancet HIV,The
The Lancet HIV launched in September 2014 as an exclusively online journal, publishing original research, expert commentary, informative editorials, and timely correspondence. The monthly journal provides readers with context and insight into the clinical advances and practice-changing research shaping the study of HIV/AIDS today.
Now is a critical moment in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Despite the world view that the end of AIDS may be within reach, the job of controlling this epidemic is certainly not done. As HIV disease evolves to become a chronic infection, the interaction of the virus with other chronic conditions will present a host of new challenges. The Lancet HIV is a journal for a new era in the history of HIV/AIDS.
The Lancet HIV builds on The Lancet journals’ reputation for publishing HIV/AIDS research to provide a reliable foundation for advocacy and for programmatic and political change. We will consider clinical, epidemiological, operational, and implementation research, unifying these disciplines across a single vision for the health of those living with HIV.