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- Call for Papers
Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems
MEMOCS is a publication of the International Research Center for the Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems. It publishes articles from diverse scientific fields with a specific emphasis on mechanics. Articles must rely on the application or development of rigorous mathematical methods.
The journal intends to foster a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge firmly based on mathematical foundations. It will serve as a forum where scientists from different disciplines meet to share a common, rational vision of science and technology. It intends to support and divulge research whose primary goal is to develop mathematical methods and tools for the study of complexity.
The journal will also foster and publish original research in related areas of mathematics of proven applicability, such as variational methods, numerical methods, and optimization techniques. Besides their intrinsic interest, such treatments can become heuristic and epistemological tools for further investigations, and provide methods for deriving predictions from postulated theories. Papers focusing on and clarifying aspects of the history of mathematics and science are also welcome. All methodologies and points of view, if rigorously applied, will be considered.