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- Call for Papers
Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development
The aim of Molecular Therapy—Methods & Clinical Development is to build upon the success of Molecular Therapy in publishing important peer-reviewed methods and procedures, as well as translational advances in the broad array of fields under the molecular therapy umbrella.
Topics of particular interest within the journal’s scope include:
Gene vector engineering and production,
Methods for targeted genome editing and engineering,
Methods and technology development for cell reprogramming and directed differentiation of pluripotent cells,
Methods for gene and cell vector delivery,
Development of biomaterials and nanoparticles for applications in gene and cell therapy and regenerative medicine,
Analysis of gene and cell vector biodistribution and tracking,
Pharmacology/toxicology studies of new and next-generation vectors,
Methods for cell isolation, engineering, culture, expansion, and transplantation,
Cell processing, storage, and banking for therapeutic application,
Preclinical and QC/QA assay development,
Translational and clinical scale-up and Good Manufacturing procedures and process development,
Clinical protocol development,
Computational and bioinformatic methods for analysis, modeling, or visualization of biological data,
Negotiating the regulatory approval process and obtaining such approval for clinical trials.