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Nature Sustainability
Nature Sustainability publishes significant original research from a broad range of natural, social and engineering fields about sustainability, its policy dimensions and possible solutions. Understanding how to ensure the well-being of current and future generations within the limits of the natural world is the overarching goal of sustainability research.
Nature Sustainability will cover topics including agriculture and food security, biodiversity conservation, circular economy, cities and urbanisation, climate change in holistic context, development, ecosystem services, education, energy, environmental behaviour, environmental degradation, environmental law, green infrastructure, health and environment, human population, innovation, land use and land use change, natural capital, natural resources management, policy, pollution, poverty, supply chain, waste, water–energy–food and water-soil-waste connections and others, all as related to sustainability.
In addition to publishing original research and analyses, Nature Sustainability will publish Comment, Reviews, Perspectives, News & Views, Features and Correspondence from across the full range of disciplines concerned with sustainability.