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- Call for Papers
New Media and Society
New Media & Society engages in critical discussions of the key issues arising from the scale and speed of new media development, drawing on a wide range of disciplinary perspectives and on both theoretical and empirical research.
The journal includes contributions on:
-the individual and the social, the cultural and the political dimensions of new media
-the global and local dimensions of the relationship between media and social change
-contemporary as well as historical developments
-the implications and impacts of, as well as the determinants and obstacles to, media change
the relationship between theory, policy and practice
New Media & Society publishes peer-reviewed content from both the social sciences and the humanities and includes contributions from communication, media and cultural studies, as well as sociology, geography, anthropology, economics and the political and information sciences. Topics to be covered include: digitalization and convergence; interactivity and virtuality; consumption and citizenship; innovation, regulation and control; the cultures of the Internet; patterns and inequalities of use; community and identity in electronic space; time and space in global culture and everyday life; the politics of cyberspace.