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Obesity Surgery
Obesity Surgery is the official journal of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders. The journal represents one of the premier forums for the dissemination of research and clinical knowledge within the international community of bariatric/metabolic treatment providers of all disciplines. Obesity Surgery communicates the latest research, surgical and endoscopic techniques, and most recent advances in the integrated health care for the treatment of obesity and metabolic disorders.
The journal publishes highly selective invited and unsolicited peer-reviewed articles involving all aspects of the management and care of patients suffering from obesity. Though there is an emphasis on bariatric/metabolic surgery, the journal is comprehensive in covering the medical management of obesity, general surgery, endoscopy, nutritional science, behavioral science, anesthesia, plastic surgery after weight loss, exercise physiology, endocrinology, diabetology, treatment for eating disorders, and medicolegal issues.