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- Call for Papers
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes publishes fundamental research in organizational behavior, organizational psychology, and human cognition, judgment, and decision-making. The journal features articles that present original empirical research, theory development, meta-analysis, and methodological advancements relevant to the substantive domains served by the journal. Topics covered by the journal include perception, cognition, judgment, attitudes, emotion, well-being, motivation, choice, and performance. We are interested in articles that investigate these topics as they pertain to individuals, dyads, groups, and other social collectives. For each topic, we place a premium on articles that make fundamental and substantial contributions to understanding psychological processes relevant to human attitudes, cognitions, and behavior in organizations.
In order to be considered for publication in OBHDP a manuscript has to include the following:
1.Demonstrate an interesting behavioral/psychological phenomenon
2.Make a significant theoretical and empirical contribution to the existing literature
3.Identify and test the underlying psychological mechanism for the newly discovered behavioral/psychological phenomenon
4.Have practical implications in organizational context