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Personality and Social Psychology Review
Personality and Social Psychology Review is an official journal of SPSP, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc. It is the premiere outlet for original theoretical papers and conceptual review articles in all areas of personality and social psychology. In the pages of PSPR, you will find stimulating conceptual pieces that identify exciting new directions for research on the psychological underpinnings of human individuality and social functioning, as well as comprehensive review papers that provide new, integrative frameworks for existing theory and research programs. Some of the topics covered by the journal include (but are not limited to):
-Attitudes and Social Cognition — research examining the inner workings of the human mind as it strives to understand, evaluate, and respond to the social environment.
-Interpersonal and Group Processes — research examining the patterns of interaction and interdependence that characterize everyday human functioning.
-Intergroup Relations — research examining the determinants of prejudice and conflict, as well as cooperative and harmonious relationships between members of different social groups.
-Personality and Individual Differences — research examining the causes, assessment, structures, and processes that characterize and give rise to human variation
-Biological and Cultural Influences — research examining the biological and cultural mediation of social psychological and personality processes.