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Physical Review Fluids
Physical Review Fluids (PRFluids) is dedicated to publishing innovative research that will significantly advance the fundamental understanding of fluid dynamics. PRFluids embraces both traditional fluid dynamics topics and newer areas, such as bio-related fluid dynamics, micro- and nanoscale flows, fluid mechanics of complex fluids and soft materials, and geophysical and environmental flows.
PRFluids covers all aspects of fluid dynamics research, including:
Biological and biomedical flows,
Combustion fluid mechanics and reacting flows,
Complex and non-Newtonian fluids,
Compressible and rarefied flows, kinetic theory,
Drops, bubbles, capsules and vesicles,
Electrokinetic phenomena, electrohydrodynamics, and magnetohydrodynamics,
Geophysical, geological, urban and ecological flows,
Instability, transition, and control,
Interfacial phenomena and flows,
Laminar and viscous flows,
Micro- and nanofluidics,
Multiphase, granular, and particle-laden flows,
Nonlinear dynamical systems,
Transport and mixing,
Turbulent flows,
Vortex dynamics,
Wave dynamics, free surface flows, stratified and rotating flows.