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Plant Cell
he Plant Cell (eISSN 1531-298X), is published monthly (one volume per year) by the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB). The journal is produced by Sheridan Journal Services, Waterbury, VT.
Within three years of its initial publication in 1989, The Plant Cell ranked first in impact among journals publishing primary research in the plant sciences. It has continued to maintain this standard of excellence ever since.
The Plant Cell publishes novel research of special significance in plant biology, especially in the areas of cellular biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, development, and evolution. The primary criteria for publication are that the article provides new insight that is of broad interest to plant biologists, not only to specialists, and that the presentation of results is appropriate for a wide audience of plant biologists.
The Plant Cell was founded on four key tenets: (1) to publish the most exciting, cutting-edge research in plant cellular and molecular biology, (2) to provide the most rapid turnaround time possible for reviewing and publishing a research paper, (3) to feature the highest quality reproduction of data, and (4) to provide, in the front section of the journal, a more interactive format for commentaries, opinion pieces, and the exchange of information and ideas in review articles, meeting reports, and insightful overviews of featured research papers.