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Policy and Politics
Policy & Politics is a world-leading journal that is committed to advancing our understanding of the dynamics of policy-making and implementation. By exploring the interplay between political actors, governing institutions and policy issues, the journal contributes to theories of the policy process. By reflecting on the evolving context in which these interactions occur, it provides critical insights that are timely and fresh.
Policy & Politics has an international reputation in the fields of political science, public administration and social policy. It is committed to publishing articles that are original and innovative; that engage with the world’s most pressing policy issues; and that have relevance both within and beyond academe. The journal welcomes manuscripts that are empirical, conceptual or theoretical, as long as the broader international relevance of the argument is explicit.
It is critical that all articles demonstrate a clear contribution to knowledge, and it is crucial that articles are explicit about the specific empirical and/or theoretical advance that it offers. One of the hallmarks of the journal is the manner in which its articles generally shift from the micro to the macro (or vice versa) by addressing the link between ‘policy’ and ‘politics’. For example, while single-case studies might form the basis of an article, the broader significance and relevance of that study must be made explicit. Where articles deal with broad macro-political or economic issues they may also drill-down to some discussion of the micro-level implications of that analysis. Successful articles will generally demonstrate both analytical breadth and depth in the coverage of their subject matter. Articles must be written in a clear and accessible style suitable for a multi-disciplinary and global audience.