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- Call for Papers
Production Planning and Control
Production Planning & Control is an international journal that brings together research papers on the management of operations in all industries. The journal focuses on research that stems from an industrial need and can guide the activities of managers and future researchers. With the aim of developing the research community in operations management, pictures and bios of authors together with their contact details are provided with each paper. Where possible, reviewers provide guidance for the improvement of papers including those being rejected. We also welcome book reviews dealing with books of relevance to our readers.
Production Planning & Control welcomes papers that describe research based on the emerging needs of industry, making clear the nature of the industrial problem. Any appropriate research methods may be used and each paper should justify the method applied. Case studies are welcome where they illustrate research needs or application problems that have significance at the international level. Writers should relate their work to the existing knowledge in the field, especially with regard to the implications of the work for management practice and setting the agenda for future research.