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- Call for Papers
Psychotherapy Research
Psychotherapy Research seeks to enhance the development, scientific quality, and social relevance of psychotherapy research and to foster the use of research findings in practice, education, and policy formulation.
The journal publishes original research on all aspects of psychotherapy, including its outcomes, its processes, education of practitioners, and delivery of services. It publishes:
original empirical research papers
theoretical and methodological research papers
review articles
The journal is committed to promoting international communication by addressing an international, interdisciplinary audience, and welcomes submissions dealing with:
diverse theoretical orientations (e.g., psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, experiential, systems approaches)
treatment modalities (e.g., individual, group, couples, family)
research paradigms (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, clinical trials, process studies, outcome prediction, systematic case studies, measure development, meta-analyses).