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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
The mission of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews is to communicate the most interesting and relevant critical thinking in renewable and sustainable energy in order to bring together the research community, the private sector and policy and decision makers. The aim of the journal is to share problems, solutions, novel ideas and technologies to support the transition to a low carbon future and achieve our global emissions targets as established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews publishes review papers, original research, case studies and new technology analyses that have a significant review element, which may take the form of a critique, comparison, or analysis. The journal also publishes a new paper type, Expert Insights, which are commissioned mini-reviews from field leaders on topics of significant interest. Case studies will only be considered if they also demonstrate the applicability of the work to other regions and/or inform the broader field of renewable and sustainable energy. A bibliographic or literature review, without critical thinking is not considered suitable.