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- Call for Papers
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Resources, Conservation & Recycling has an open access mirror journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review.
The Editors welcome contributions from research, which consider sustainable management and conservation of resources. The journal emphasizes the transformation processes involved in a transition toward more sustainable production and consumption systems. Emphasis is upon technological, economic, institutional and policy aspects of specific resource management practices, such as conservation, recycling and resource substitution, and of “systems-wide” strategies, such as resource productivity improvement, the restructuring of production and consumption profiles and the transformation of industry.
Contributions may have relevance at regional, national or international scales and may focus at any level of research from individual resources or technologies to whole sectors or systems of interest. Contributors may emphasise any of the aforementioned aspects as well as scientific and methodological issues. However, manuscripts that consider only laboratory experiments, without a discussion of the practical, environmental and economic implications of the presented research, are excluded from publication in the journal.