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Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology
The areas of environmental science and environmental (bio)technology are broad, multidisciplinary, fast growing and extremely active. During the last few decades, an overwhelming amount of data has become available and a panoply of discoveries has been made. It is almost impossible to keep up to date on current developments in these areas. Moreover, there is a definite need to extract the quintessence out of this information, to synthesise the research progress and to identify the achieved advances in science and technology. This is the rationale behind the journal Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology.
The journal has two distinct peer-reviewed sections: a section containing mini-reviews (up to 8 printed pages), expressing scientific opinions on topics and trends as well as a Reviews section (up to 30 printed pages) containing comprehensive critical evaluations of research efforts and technical realizations in particular areas. In addition to (mini-)review papers, the journal reports on newly initiated research projects in a distinct Project Update and Science Career section, focusing on initiatives from large research consortia and young researchers, respectively. The horizon paper, SWITCH monitor and Stockholm Water Perspectives sections provide research and policy-oriented commentaries from world renowned leaders in environmental science and (bio)technology research. The Web Alert section hints readers on key websites, whereas the Symposium Watch section updates them on the most recent developments in the field presented on international workshops, seminars and symposia. The journal also features special issues focusing on topics of international concern.