- Agricultural-Biological Sciences
- Arts & Humanities
- Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
- Business Management Accounting
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Decision Sciences
- Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics, Finance
- Energy
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Immunology & Microbiology
- Materials Science
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- Pharmacology. Toxicology. Pharmaceutics.
- Physics and Astronomy
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- Sports Science
- Military & Naval Sciences
- Multidisciplinary
- Call for Papers
RNA is a monthly journal which provides rapid publication of significant original research in all areas of RNA structure and function in eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and viral systems. It covers a broad range of subjects in RNA research, including: structural analysis by biochemical or biophysical means; mRNA structure, function and biogenesis; alternative processing: cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors; ribosome structure and function; translational control; RNA catalysis; tRNA structure, function, biogenesis and identity; RNA editing; rRNA structure, function and biogenesis; RNA transport and localization; regulatory RNAs; large and small RNP structure, function and biogenesis; viral RNA metabolism; RNA stability and turnover; in vitro evolution; and RNA chemistry.