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Translational Lung Cancer Research
Translational Lung Cancer Research (TLCR, Transl Lung Cancer Res, Print ISSN 2218-6751; Online ISSN 2226-4477) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, which was founded in March 2012. TLCR is indexed by SCIE, PubMed/PubMed Central, Scopus and the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Databases. It is published quarterly the first year, and published bimonthly since February 2013. It provides practical up-to-date information on prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer. Specific areas of its interest include, but not limited to, multimodality therapy, markers, imaging, tumor biology, pathology, chemoprevention, and technical advances related to lung cancer.
TLCR is dedicated to focus on cutting-edge developments at the transition from preclinical to clinical research and thus closes the gap between “bench and bedside”. The aim of TLCR is to provide a forum for the dissemination of original research and review articles in all areas related to lung cancer, as well as a timely platform for the exchange of key opinions between leading experts, and so to provide readers with a novel, well-organized, informative, enlightening and educational journal.
TLCR features a distinguished editorial board, which brings together a team of highly experienced specialists in lung cancer. The diverse experience of the board members allows our editorial panel to lend their expertise to a broad spectrum of lung cancer subjects. The entire submission and review process are managed through the OJS system, an electronic journal system which offers an efficient way and ensures a rapid turnaround of papers submitted for publication. Articles will be published both in print and online.