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Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology
Developmental biology is concerned with the fundamental question of how a single cell, the fertilized egg, ultimately produces a complex, fully patterned adult organism. This problem is studied on many different biological levels, from the molecular to the organismal. Developed in association with the Society for Developmental Biology, WIREs Developmental Biology will provide a unique interdisciplinary forum dedicated to fostering excellence in research and education and communicating key advances in this important field. The collaborative and integrative ethos of the WIREs model will facilitate connections to related disciplines such as genetics, systems biology, bioengineering, and psychology.
The topical coverage of WIREs Developmental Biology includes: Establishment of Spatial and Temporal Patterns; Gene Expression and Transcriptional Hierarchies; Signaling Pathways; Early Embryonic Development; Invertebrate Organogenesis; Vertebrate Organogenesis; Nervous System Development; Birth Defects; Adult Stem Cells, Tissue Renewal and Regeneration; Cell Types and Issues Specific to Plants; Comparative Development and Evolution; and Technologies.