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Work and Occupations
For over 30 years, Work and Occupations has published rigorous social science research on the human dynamics of the workplace, employment, and society from an international, interdisciplinary perspective. Work and Occupations provides you with a broad perspective on the workplace, examining international approaches to work-related issues as well as insights from scholars in a variety of fields, including: anthropology, demography, education, government administration, history, industrial relations, labour economics, management, psychology, and sociology. In addition to regular features including research notes, review essays, and book reviews, each issue of Work and Occupations is an outlet for original contributions in a wide range of areas associated with work, addressing such current topics as: emotion, work, and labor, employee involvement, gender and race relations, globalization and work, immigrant and migrant workers, internal labor markets, labor force trends, labor-management relations, labor markets and careers, labor movement revitalization, managing workplace diversity, networks in careers and workplaces, occupations and professions, occupational health and safety, organizational careers, organizational culture, socialization processes, transitions between work, home, unemployment, and school, violence in the workplace, work and family, work attitudes and behaviors, worker cultures, work group dynamics, worker productivity, working in later life, workplace conflict, and workplace organization.