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Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering
In the year of 1964, Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineerin g ( is named Proceedings of the CSEE for short) was started its publication. It is a nation-level journal and an authoritatively academic journal in the sphere of electrical engineering, being distributed home and abroad. The journal is administered by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), sponsored by the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (society established in 1934) . Proceedings of the CSEE mainly reports the new development in theoretics, method, technique and new achievements in the area of power system and automation, power generation and power engineering, electric machinery & theoretical electrotechonlogy , high voltage engineering and power transmission and distribution, communication and electricity market. Its main readers are including researchers and engineers in the fields of power system and electrical equipment manufacture as well as the teachers and students in universities and colleges.