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Biblical Annals
The Biblical Annals is the official scholarly journal of the Institute of Biblical Studies at the Faculty of Theology, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. It is dedicated to biblical studies and it is divided into the following sections: Old Testament, Intertestamental Literature, New Testament, Varia, Book Reviews, and Biblical News. The journal covers fields of research such as exegesis, philology, history, and biblical methodology. The Biblical Annals is an open access journal with all its latest content and back issues digitalized and available for free at our website. Our principle is to provide students and researchers with free access to scholarship and with quality research, using modern technologies and internet delivery platforms.
The Biblical Annals is aimed mainly at presenting the research of Polish scholars focusing on problems and methodologies current in the contemporary biblical studies. The articles and reviews published in the journal are written in Polish, English, Italian, French, and German. Our contributors are both the senior, prominent and the young, promising Polish scholars representing important academic centers like Warsaw, Cracow, Wroclaw, Katowice, and Lublin. The journal plays an essential role in stimulating the biblical studies and scholarly discussion in our region. The Biblical Annals also welcomes international scholars who want to contribute to it. The international board of scholars (required by Polish academic regulations) and above all the articles and reviews written in foreign languages are aimed at popularizing the Polish biblical publications abroad and to keep it in contact with the international research.