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British Journal of Psychology
The British Journal of Psychology publishes original research on all aspects of general psychology including cognition; health and clinical psychology; developmental, social and occupational psychology. For information on specific requirements, please view Author Guidelines.
We attract a large number of international submissions each year which make major contributions across the range of psychology, particularly where the work has the following characteristics:
articles or groups of articles dealing with topics which are of interest to researchers from more than one specialism; section of psychology or which address topics or issues at the interface between different specialisms or sections of psychology; articles or groups of articles which take different or contrasting methodological or theoretical approaches to a single topic; articles or groups of articles dealing with novel areas, theories or methodologies; integrative reviews, particularly where the review offers new analysis (e.g. meta-analysis), new theory or new implications for practice; articles or groups of articles dealing with the history of psychology; interdisciplinary work, where the contribution from, or to, psychological theory or practice is clear.
It enjoys a wide international readership and features reports of empirical studies, critical reviews of the literature and theoretical contributions which aim to further our understanding of psychology.
The journal additionally publishes a small number of invited articles by people who lead their field on a topic that provokes discussion. These articles include a short peer commentary.