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Comparative American Studies
omparative American Studies is an international journal that extends scholarly debates about American Studies beyond the geographical boundaries of the United States, repositioning discussions about American culture within an international comparative framework.
At this time of increasing globalization there is a growing need for American Studies to be re-articulated in a comparative manner: that is to say, first and foremost taking account of interactions between the USA and other parts of the world, whilst also fully attending to multi-ethnic comparisons within the USA. The special need for developing international comparison is acknowledged in the USA itself as well as throughout Europe and worldwide; indeed, there is increasing academic interest within the American Studies community in the United States in the development of perspectives on this area of study from outside the USA’s borders. The events of September 2001 in New York City and Washington DC have brought home even more sharply how the destiny of the USA must now be understood in relation to global networks rather than simply domestic politics.