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- Call for Papers
Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery (ISSN 1746-0441 [print], 1746-045X [electronic]) is a MEDLINE-indexed, peer-reviewed, international journal publishing review articles on novel technologies involved in the drug discovery process, leading to new leads and reduced attrition rates. Each article is structured to incorporate the author’s own expert opinion on the scope for future development.
The Editors welcome:
Reviews covering chemoinformatics; bioinformatics; assay development; novel screening technologies; in vitro/in vivo models; structure-based drug design; systems biology
Drug Case Histories examining the steps involved in the preclinical and clinical development of a particular drug
The audience consists of scientists and managers in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, academic pharmaceutical scientists and other closely related professionals looking to enhance the success of their drug candidates through optimisation at the preclinical level.