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Exposure and Health
Exposure & Health (until 2015, Vol. 7, Issue 4 the name of the journal is Water Quality, Exposure and Health) is a multidisciplinary journal that focuses on global human health consequences of exposure to pollution though terrestrial environmental vectors such as food, water, air and soil/dust derived from contaminants resident in either in man-made (i.e. agronomic, industrial and urban) or natural/semi-natural environments.
This journal is interested in any trophic transfer step that leads to human contaminant exposure, such as residue levels in matrices that humans are exposed to, through to direct measurements of human exposure(s) through contaminant residue or biomarkers in human tissues (i.e. tissues and bloods), and subsequent links to health.
The journal will provide a unique platform for scientists in this field to exchange ideas and share information on research for the solution of health effects of exposure to pollutants. The journal publishes original research articles and integrative reviews that are relevant to this theme.
The subject areas and scientific fields that are included to the journal are as follows:
Analytical and detection technologies and approaches in contaminant and biomarker analysis,
Mitigation technologies,
Biogeochemical sciences,
Health sciences,
Exposure analysis and Epidemiology,
Social sciences and public policy,
Mathematical, numerical and statistical methods,
Experimental, data collection and data analysis methods.