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Families, Systems and Health
Families, Systems, & Health seeks to develop the knowledge base of a systemic approach to healthcare that integrates mind and body; individual and family; and communities, clinicians, and health systems while considering cost-effectiveness and distributive justice.
The journal’s scope includes the following three domains:
-Family Functioning: emphasizes understanding health, illness, and treatment from birth to death within the family context rather than focusing on individuals in isolation. The term “family” is used broadly to include but not be limited to the legal, biological, or psychological family, household members unrelated by blood or marriage, and intimates who have a relationship over time.
-Systems Thinking: an overarching concept that recognizes the interrelatedness of all human systems (e.g., biological, psychological, interpersonal, familial, societal, political, economic, cultural, spiritual). This perspective is useful in examining dynamics within a profession or among clinical staff, relationships among patients, families, communities, and clinical staff, and the coordination of care across levels of the health system.
-Health: refers to the optimal state of the body, mind, and spirit of individuals, families, or communities. Healthcare includes the practice of all health professionals, including physicians, mental health professionals, nurses, pharmacists, and many other disciplines.